Saturday, October 11, 2008

I'm back

Since the big announcement, I have deliberately not posted any updates.

I can give several excuses for my lack of writing: the start of school, tiredness to be blamed on work and my pregnancy, the general hecticness of life. But I know the real reason that I have stayed away from my blog is fear.

Being pregnant has been such an exciting discovery, but it has also been quite nervewracking. While I called my mom and sister as soon as the stick in my hand turned pink, I have mostly kept quiet about the good news. I waited to share my secret with the rest of my siblings until after hearing the heartbeat at my first doctor's appointment. I didn't tell anyone else but my closest friends until I was well out of my first trimester.

I know that this is not unusual for some women. Miscarriages are common, especially in the first trimester, and many chose to wait to share their news with others. But I am usually a very honest person and am terrible at keeping anything under wraps for an extended period of time.

I have decided not let fear dictate my life anymore. Pregnancy has been such a momentous time that I want to write about it and share with others. So I resolve to return to the keyboard and post away, the good news and the bad.